Wednesday 1 May 2013

Repost and Answering Questions 'Cause I'm Lazy Right Now

Oh dear, Streaky tagged me again. Blahhh.... I’m too lazy to type out the rules for this thing, since I have no one else to repost it to. Okay! So, I have to give you all eleven random facts, and then answer the eleven questions that Streaky gave to me.




1. Joel Madden (of Good Charlotte) is ringing in my head.

2. I’m working on my Menry story right now!

3. Did you know that Michael Grey did four paragraphs of a Menry story? It's on his blog!

4. Menry is the Mel Corbalis and Henry Bolet pairing that we all made up during one of Michael’s live video streams. It’s Nancy Drew related.

5. Derpy is best pony!

6. I have 1317 words done today! Yahoo!

7. Not all of those words are for the Menry story, though.

8. Bananas are yummy.

9. I live in Canada.

10. It’s good to have wisdom.

11. John Lennon is dead.


1. Will you still need me, will you still feed me, when I'm 64? (Beatles song... not something creepy).

You’ll be older toooo!


2. What was the last movie you saw in theaters?

The 3D version of The Life of Pi.



3. If you could paint your room one color what would it be?

One colour? How dare you make me choose! Nah, it’s okay – I think it’d be a purple or a green.


4. What would you do if you won $50,000 (and could keep it ALL without giving any of it to the government)?

Oh wow. I really like that idea. Well, first of all, I’d put a lot of it towards paying my family’s bills and buying our new house. Then I think I’d save some, and use a little to spend!


5. Do you know who Carol Burnett is?

Yyyyup! She was a background character in Get Smart, and later went on to be a talkshow host or something.



6. Would you like a Jelly Baby?

Yes, please!


7. Do you have baby names picked out for when you get married and have kids?

Yes, a few. I’ll tell you one. Jadzia. Note that the “J” is pronounced as a “Y”, so that the pronunciation would be in the Polish way, not the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine way.


8. If so, what are they?

Oops... didn’t read this question. Hehe. Look above!


9. What do you think classifies a classic as a classic?

A book that is memorable and you’d love to read it over and over! AKA not a book with 600-word sentences.


10. Are you reading more than one book right now? If so, how many?

Just one!


11. What books are you reading right now?


Did Man Just Happen? by W. A. Chriswell
And now I'll quickly answer the comments from my last blog post! Yeah... I get on here often... not.
Yes, it is the same book that you both read parts of long, long ago. At least, I think, because there were two books that I did lots of back then. Yes, I totally re-vamped it and started all over. I felt like I was copying other people with what I'd been doing back then, and wanted to do something strictly my own. So I did. (: And you'll get to see it eventually!

Saturday 30 March 2013

Jen Got Tagged!

Tagged Writing Thingie!

1. What is the working title of your book?
"Discovering the King". I have decided to change the title, though, after I finish the book.

2. Where did the idea come from for your book?
Actually, it's kind of a weird story. I was typing random stuff in a word document one day during school, about a girl who got detention (???). From that, I started creating a whole giant plotline about her. I decided I was going to write a book about her. But then, I realized that I needed a book or two of background work before I wrote the book about the said girl. So I backtracked a bit, and now I'm writing a book that takes place before the time of this girl's appearance.
...that probably made no sense. xD

3. What genre is your book?
Not quite sure. Sort of a fantasy/adventure/spiritual.

4. Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition?
Ooh, I haven't really thought about it... let's see... I think that a young Zoe Saldana (U'Hura from Star Trek '09 and the love interest blue lady from Avatar!) would do well as my character, Connie. She would just need to be younger, obviously, and have her dark hair curly. For George, Connie's twin brother, someone who could pass off as this young Zoe's brother with dark features and hair. As for Edmund, the last main character, I can't really think of anyone. They'd need to be young, with brown hair and green eyes, and have a sort of determined look to them.

5. Give the one sentence synopsis of your book.
When Edmund Tanner's younger sister is accused of witchcraft, how will he be able to prove that the laws upholding this accusation are false?

6. Is your book self-published, published by an independent published, or represented by an agency?
Not yet published! I'd want it to be published by a publishing company, most likely.

7. How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript?
Teehee, it's not done yet. =P

8. Who or what inspired you to write this book?
My Pop :')

9. What else about the book might pique the reader's interest?
The book is quite based on spiritual/Godly stuff from a Christian and scientific point of view. The sciencey stuff probably won't be until the next book, though. I've always liked allegorical (is that the right word?) books, but I really don't like it when it's so blatantly obvious that God is in the book. I mean, that's great for Christians, because we know that's what the book is supposed to be about, but my main goal for this book is to reach out to non-Christians, and possibly to challenge Christians' way of thinking. ;)

Tuesday 19 March 2013

Skillet's New Album

So, I am very excited to say that Skillet has given us new information on their upcoming album! As we know from reading an article on their website, the new album is going to be the story of salvation, including all the trials and struggles along the way. The article also revealed that the band was going to use top-notch, specialty instruments for this album. The album's title is "Rise", and the it'll be coming out in mid-May of 2013.

Yeah, I'm pumped.

Skillet has been one of my favorite bands for a few years now, and I absolutely love them. I mean, come on, what's not to love? The music style has varied throughout the years, but it's always meaningful and beautiful. The words are on-spot and really relate to people with where they're at. And, of course, the band members are hilarious and act like normal people. I haven't been a Panhead long enough to anticipate the release of a new album, but now I am able to be excited for this. Like, YES!

Once the single is released (I don't actually remember when that is), I shall be putting a link to it either on this blog (which is, sadly, abandoned most of the time) or on Howrse (which is more likely, since I'm on there quite a bit).



Friday 22 February 2013

My Ramble About "The Heroes of Olympus"

As some of you may know, I have been reading the first and second Percy Jackson series for a while now. I'm half-way through "The Heroes of Olympus" (second series) book two, "The Son of Neptune". Apparently, only book three, "The Mark of Athena", has been published so far. I'm sort of reading this book slowly so that I can savor all of it and not have to wait a millenia for Rick Riordan to write and publish book four... but I can't help but read fast! I'm loving that the second series is showing more of the Roman side of Greek/Roman mythology, and I'm loving all of the new characters that Riordan is introducing (who doesn't love slightly pyromaniacal characters?). And the new prophecy plotline/major-giant-battle-that's-looming-ahead is making me all excited too...


I think I'm just so used to reading old book series in which all of the books have been published for years.

Silly Jen.

Well, now that my ramble about books is over, I have one last thing to say.

May the Force be with you.

Saturday 16 February 2013

In Which Jen Draws a Picture

Hello everyone! Today has been a day of epic accomplishment for yours truly. I copied down a story I wrote yesterday into my fiction journal, I did some outlining for my book, I wrote a silly Star Trek story because today is my second anniversary of writing silly Star Trek stories, and I drew... dun dun dun... a picture (and I'm pretty sure it didn't suck)!
Yay!!! So, that has been one of my most memorable accomplishes of the day. I hope you like it!
Ah, and by the way, I did get internet help for the body shape, eyes, and hair. The outfit is of my own design, though! Aaand the hair didn't turn out exactly as it should have, so that's kind of my own design too.


Thursday 31 January 2013

Why I Deleted My Blog

Hello all! As you probably know, my name is Jen. I'm a Canadian girl who wishes to become an author someday, and I have a very weird and busy life. I'll tell you all about myself later, as there is a much more important matter at hand: why I deleted my old blog.

Honestly, it's so simple one could facepalm. I'm one of those people who sign up for more than they can handle. And my blog was one of those things I couldn't handle. I figured that if I started a new blog that I felt less obligated to update all that often, I would relieve some stress from my life. Plus, I like starting things fresh. So yes!

There's my explanation. TTFN!
